
The LagomLife App

The App

Currently, we are busy working on the alpha version of the LagomLife App that will allow you to track your everyday activities and see how you can find a way to move towards a more Lagom lifestyle. Keep an eye on this page or feel free to send us an email with any questions regarding how to practice Lagomism.

The Goal


There already exsists a multitude of Lifestyle apps out there in the app markets, but LagomLife aims to be unique. Our view is to find a way that all our users can find the balance of "give and take" that lagomism strives for.

Using a wide range of published peer reviewed papers, traditional methods from many different cultures and forward thinking cutting edge technology we are mapping out a view of how all peoples can experience the world in a sustainable and fair way. The ultimate goal of the app is to attempt to show a way of living which could lead to a balanced and flat society. Compared with todays hyperbolic existence that contains a widening gap between the rich and the poor. We want to help guide future generations towards a world view that includes everyone.

This is what the app will ultimately be about. Creating a way for us who want the world to be safe and just, by helping ourselves find our own path to get there.

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